Monday, August 25, 2014

Artist of the Month: Hahn Cao-Danh

By Ashley Brown

Gateway is celebrating Hanh Cao-Danh as August’s artist of the month. Hanh started at Gateway in April 2013. Hanh has an eye for pattern and color. 
Found object sculpture, 2013.
When Hanh first arrived, Hanh’s only interest in art was abstraction, and she came up with many imaginative swirly designs. While working in the studio, Hanh was inspired by what she saw happening in the studios, and she began melding her abstract designs with representational work. Here are some images of Hanh’s more recent work.
Glazed, hand-built tea pot, 2013.

Her necklaces have always been very popular. The consistent design changes after about twenty beads of the same pattern. The pattern that she creates is usually quite playful and colorful.

Wood and metal beaded necklace, 2013. 

While Hanh enjoys working at Gateway, she also has many other hobbies. You may see Hanh involved at an intense rap battle at Rami’s Restaurant in Coolidge Corner. She writes her own hip hop music. She also enjoys going to different art festivals throughout the year.  

Acrylic paint on wood pannel, 2014. 

Congratulation Hahn, and keep up the great work! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Staff Pick: Paintings by Pat Peter

By Andrew Levine 

Playground on Thayer, acrylic on canvas, 2013

Pat Peter’s painting, Playground on Thayer, depicts a dreamlike playground with swings and benches in a familiar neighborhood and a large leafless tree, definitely for climbing to the top. Peter’s painting is reminiscent of childhood memories in the rich and bright color scheme, the whimsy of the line quality vibrates like excited children playing at the playground and the cerulean tree with bright red/orange details flows off in the distance like a fading dream. One loses oneself in the lucid scenery of Peter’s idealistic perspective.

Waiting for the Bus, acrylic on canvas, 2013
Waiting for the Bus, another painting by Peter, also portrays a similar style with rich and bright colors. These help ignite the viewer to understand the emotions of the woman sitting on the bench. She is alone, but not lonely. She is content with solitude thus allowing her to be inspired by the serene multi-colored grass and the inquisitive beauty of her surroundings to the fullest.